Last month in our city we had a new airport open. We decided to go to the dedication. So, we checked the kids out of school, picked up my parents and drove to the new airport. Well, everyone else in the world decided to go to it as well and we got stuck in traffic and missed the whole ceremony. One of the apostle of our church was there and we were hoping to see him but missed the whole thing. After the dedication they all flew away in a plane. What we didn't know was that they would return later to the airport.
We finally got to the airport and enjoyed touring it. Such a nice little airport. They did such a great job with it. The kids enjoyed the brownies and cookies that they were serving to the public. It was a fun experience. They had TVs throughout the airport broadcasting the different things that were happening. We were about to leave when we noticed that all the people from the dedication were on the TV again. We thought it might be a rerun but decided to go and see if maybe they had returned from their plane ride. They had and we miraculously came to the exact spot that President Dieter F. Uchtdorf was coming through. He came to us and gave Hay a high 5, shook my hand and then reached around to shake Em's hand because she was hiding behind me. He then shook Ty's hand. . It was such a neat experience to be in the presence of a living apostle. We just stayed and watched as he interacted with everyone. Such an amazing man. It was a fun experience and one I think my kids will always remember.
So grateful for the gospel and for living apostles that teach and give us pure doctrine to follow by. I don't know what I would do without the knowledge I have of eternal life and the blessings we will receive. I love all the comforting quotes I have on my sidebar many from apostles and prophets.
Lucky you! I have Elder U........dorf envy. [sp?]
Oh Andrea it was meant to be. He is my FAVORITE!!!!! What a memory. I bet you wish you had your camera. What was he doing there anyway?
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