My sweet heart gave me some tulips for our anniversary along with 2 dozen roses. I LOVE them!!! He truly knows how to melt my heart. There is just something about a flower that brings peace and calm into my life. I love having them in our house. I especially enjoy taking pictures of them if you haven't already figured that out. :) This has been a good week of enjoying some beautiful white tulips and red roses. I'm so grateful for flowers. I always think of this quote when I think of flowers.
"Parents who have surrendered the sweetest and smallest flowers from the family's garden need to remember our Heavenly Father. He has promised a special reward to those who now suffer in silence, who spend long days and longer nights through their trying times of bereavement. Our Creator has promised glory. He said, "For after much tribulation come the blessings. Wherefore the day cometh that ye shall be crowned with much glory; the hour is not yet, but nigh at hand." (D&C 58:4) That promised glory includes the blessing of reunion with each child who has left the family circle to help surviving members of the family to draw nearer to God. Those children still live and are a heritage to the Lord."
Russell M. Nelson

You are amazing with that camera!! Love all your flower photos! Hope you are doing well-miss you!
Hi, I was actually referred to read your blog by my friend Kally. She said "You have to look at their blog she is just amazing and portrays such a story of enduring faith...". So here I am and I have to say she was right! You are truly such a strong and amazing person! Within the first 10 seconds looking at your blog I was in tears over seeing what happened to your handsome little baby! I don't really know who your family is and you may not know our family even though we live close and are in the same ward, but I couldn't believe how touched I was by your sweet baby and the love your family has for him. With 3 kids of our own, I can't imagine losing one! I'm so sorry for your loss. Your blog is a great tribute and I want you to know it really is wonderful to read the messages of faith and family. I appreciate your posts it made my day! I hope you don't mind if I add your blog to my favorites list. :D
I love your tulip photos, white tulips are so amazing
beautiful photos!! :) thanks so much for linking up and happy anniversary! Rebecca
wow, great pictures of these flowers, love them.
Visiting from The Simple Things, thanks for sharing
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