Well, it was a day I needed a Wyatt moment. I prayed to see a butterfly just to know Wyatt is aware but knew that it probably wouldn't happen since it's gotten cold here all of the sudden. If I was a butterfly I would skip town too. I even went on a walk which I really didn't want to do just in case there might be a butterfly out there. There wasn't.
My sweet Tyler got home from school and I always ask how his day went. He said great! I'm so grateful for my kids...they are amazing. I asked why his day was so great and he said he got 35/25 on his art project. He loves extra credit and being able to make his already high score higher is always an added plus for him. I asked him to show me what he had drawn to get such a great score. He pulled out this
What a beautiful gift from both Tyler and Wyatt! And, what an amazing artist Tyler is... I'm very impressed! I'm so glad you were blessed with this sign that God is truly aware of you and what you needed in a time of need.
Oh that's perfect! Way to go Ty!...again. He was certainly sent to you for a reason. Love you Ty!
That is a beautiful butterfly. You have some amazing sons! Love you!
I always knew Tyler was a special boy! (And a great artist, too) I am thankful for Tender Mercies on your behalf. They are an answer to my prayers as well.
What a beautiful butterfly! I'm sure that one will hang around all winter! What a neat experience!
It is amazing how each person in the family just is able to give what the others need without even really knowing that they are doing it. To me that shows how we are all sons and Daughters oh Our Father in Heaven. I am so proud of him that he did that for you... What a beautiful butterfly you should mat and frame that for your home.
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