Saturday, August 28, 2010


Since Hayley has to wait a few weeks before starting Kindergarten we have spent a couple of mornings going to the park. One day to play on the playground and the next day at the splash pad. Both days we saw little yellow butterflies...a tender mercy for me. I haven't had as many "Wyatt moments" this summer. There just haven't been very many butterflies and I have missed that so much. So it was refreshing to have them surround us at the park both days. It reminded me of the first summer after Wyatt died. We saw so many of them.

I have missed him so much lately. I should be watching a 2 year old squeal with delight while sliding down a slide or while playing at the splash pad. My arms ache and that void is so there. Especially as Hayley will be starting Kindergarten and going to school everyday. I should have an almost 3 year old at home with me. It's hard! But I am looking forward to those few hours a day where I can get all the many things done that I need to and then I can have my afternoons with Hayley. I think next year will be harder for me when she is gone all day long. I'm grateful for will help with the quietness. I knew this time would come someday but it's coming way sooner than I thought. I would do anything in this world to have a toddler in my have Wyatt to love and to hold. Why does this life have to be so hard?

Here are a few pictures I took at the park. Hayley truly is my "sunshine". I don't know what I would have done without her and Tyler and Emily and Derek the past 2 1/2 years.

Macie came with us to the park and enjoyed running around with Hayley and eating the bark...seriously??? I can't believe we have a dog.

I do love those sad puppy dog eyes.

1 comment:

Larsen said...

Sweet Wyatt. I hope that it won't be too quite in the house. I hated that after Gavin passed away. too quite. Music has helped me (did when it was quite at least.) We'll be thinking of you!!

Gavin's Mom