This picture of Hay was taken while I was pregnant with Wyatt. I had kind of forgotten about it until my mom recently asked for a copy of it. I remember that day very clearly. I was deathly ill with the pregnancy and was laying in bed just trying to keep anything down. The nausea was so overwhelming night and day...every second of every minute. Hay wanted to go outside and jump on the tramp so I laid in bed and watched her through the window. As you can tell she dressed herself in one of Em's dance outfits. It's on backwards and it obviously didn't fit her. It was probably her 10th outfit of the day. I never did her hair during those months because I was just too sick and I didn't really care.
She started rolling around on the tramp and that is what made her hair stick straight up. I remember laying in bed and debating if I should get up and take a picture of her knowing that it would bring on the pucking but I knew I had to capture this moment because who knows if it will ever happen again. So, I got out of bed grabbed the camera and took this one shot and then went and threw up. I think this picture will always be one of my favorites of Hay. I'm glad I took it. It puts a smile on my face. And in a way it reminds me of Wyatt and what I had to go through to get him here. It's amazing how a picture can bring back a moment so clearly in my mind.
Hannah has LOVED seeing all these cute pictures of Hayley! So fun!
I love it! Hayley's the cutest ever. What a personality too! Going through old pictures is one of my favorite things. Hope you're doing well. Love you!
I love it, best picture ever. Take care of yourself. We will be heading out your way mid October if you are around I would love to stop by.
I love that so funny
What a sweet story to share. And she is such a cutie. The things we do to bring angel children here. I think we should get extra points for being so sick bringing them here, and sicker giving them back. In my oppinion:)
Gavin's Mom
What a darling picture of Hayley! It was so worth getting up and taking the picture. I love you and I love your strength. Hope you are doing well. I think of you every day. Love and hugs!
LOVE the picture!!
Love the picture, but love the memory even more! It truly is amazing how a picture really does say 1000 words. Plus, it is a memory of Wyatt. Keep in touch!
ha ha I love it! I love Hayley so much!
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