Note: Trying to catch up on the past few are a few posts. I have so much more to do....
Beautiful is a perfect word for this ornament we received yesterday. The picture just doesn't do it justice to how incredible it truly is. It's made of thick glass and is heavy and is such a beautiful blue color. What makes it even more amazing is the person that gave it to us. Someone we don't know but that has been reading the blog for a year. She e-mailed me last week and told me that she had seen this ornament a few weeks ago and thought of our Wyatt but didn't buy it. She passed by it again a week later and just felt like she needed to buy it for Wyatt's tree. Words truly can't express the gratitude in my heart for such thoughtfulness in our behalf. Truly amazing. So grateful for the tender mercies that continue to come into our life and for the evidence that there are some amazing people in this world. Thank you Michelle. It will be cherished always. It's simply
Again, these pictures just don't do it justice to how truly beautiful it is.
We received this beautiful butterfly in the mail yesterday as well. Actually two of them to put on Wyatt's tree. It's from the heart group we are a part of which makes it that much more special to us. We will never forget the
heart walk and releasing those beautiful butterflies in September and the great experience we had that day. We will always cherish these sweet butterflies for Wyatt's tree as well.
I will be forever grateful for our "Wyatt moments" with butterflies. I have not even scratched the surface with telling about the many, many "Wyatt moments" I've had. I do believe in tender mercies and if we are willing to look for them they will be given to us. I don't believe in mere coincidences...I believe there is
purposes in all things. There are times when I will actually pray for those moments to happen when I need them most and usually my prayers are answered in some way...if I'm looking for it. Michael McLean has written a song about "Tender Mercies." It's a beautiful song that speaks great truths on the matter. I love
Elder Bednar's talk about tender mercies as well. Along with butterflies I continue to have shooting star moments. Besides the butterflies and shooting star moments I've had other moments that continue to show me evidence that I have a loving Heavenly Father that watches over me. I also know that I have an amazing angel boy that wants his mom to know how much he loves her and continues to be by her side. I feel so blessed each and every time I experience a tender mercy that brings heaven and earth together.
Though I'm extremely grateful for these moments because they truly help me I continue to know first hand how hard and challenging life can be. I'm trying to learn how to cherish those simple things in life and seize each moment for what it is.
I also continue to ache for Wyatt. That longing for him to be physically in my life I believe will never go away and why should it? I will be a 90 year old women aching to hold my little boy again(I sure hope I don't live to be that old) but that's a whole other topic. Not being able to buy him gifts this Christmas and write his name on the name tags was especially hard this year. I shed tears as I wrapped presents knowing I wouldn't be wrapping any for him. Though we were able to do something nice for someone else in his name it's still difficult and I don't see that changing too much as the years go by. There is not a day that goes by where Wyatt is not in our thoughts. Our arms continue to ache for him day after day. We long for the day when our arms are filled and we get to experience his sweet smile again. It will be glorious! We miss him, love him and cherish the memories we had with him.
I am so glad you got Christmas Jammies pictures! So adorable! I think the kindness of strangers has helped me so much! They do not know just how much these simple acts of kindness help and sustain us! I am so thankful people are their for you! I love the ornaments! thing is birds! Sages thing is birds! Birds and all different kinds of birds! I almost start laughing because, I know they are from him and I feel so loved!
Andrea. What lovely gifts of love and kindness! I hope they keep you warm through the holidays.
I just took some newborn pics of a sweet little baby named Wyatt. It made my heart hurt for you.
You are loved.
Gorgeous ornaments. I'm glad tender mercies have been surrounding you this season. Will you be up this year? I've heard mixed things, but I'd sure love to see you!
I'm so happy for your butterfly moments. And the ornaments are wonderful. I haven't seen a butterfly in years. I'm not sure if the Seattle rain keeps them away or if I'm just not looking for them. Or they don't mean the same thing to me as they do for you. I'm really just happy that you love them and they represent Wyatt for you and you continue to see them quite frequently.
I can't wait for those christmas's we'll all have together...truly that will be wonderful.
Love you so much?!
I can only imagine how difficult the holiday season is for you. I love the you keep Wyatt a part of all the celebrations. The butterflies are a great reminder and so beautiful.
Sending you and your family my love and best wishes. Thank you for being with me this year.
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