Thursday, January 6, 2011

Christmas break

A few of our favorite games
So what did we do during Christmas break? We relaxed, played games, did a puzzle together, watched movies, slept in, read Christmas books, organized rooms, played the Wii, played with friends, took a short trip up north to see family after Christmas and just enjoyed doing whatever we wanted. It was simply perfect and I hated to see it end. I love having my kids home with me.

The puzzle we did for one of the days.
One of our traditions each year is to wrap up our Christmas books and open one each day and read it. The girls this year took on the task of wrapping up all the books. Which was greatly appreciated by me. They enjoyed opening them and seeing what book we would read that night under the Christmas tree. We didn't get through all the books this year nor did we get around to reading one every single night but at least we tried. I think that's a tradition my kids will always remember and have some fond memories of. At least that is what I hope.

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