Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Congratulations to a beautiful couple...we love you guys!
Yesterday was my nieces wedding and what an amazing day it was. I will NEVER I mean never forget their sealing. Many tender mercies were shown to me and I will be forever grateful for them. I'm not going to go into detail with what happened but I do know Heavenly Father is VERY aware of me and so is Wyatt. It was a very special day for I was not expecting at all. I'm so very grateful for the temple and the spiritual moments I have received there since I first entered those sacred doors and all the many wonderful moments as years have gone by.

My niece Amanda that got married yesterday is one amazing girl. I'm so grateful that I've gotten to be a part of her life. I'm so happy for her and her awesome husband Larry. They make a great couple! Amanda was going to college here when Wyatt was born. Out of anyone in our family she probably knew Wyatt the most except for maybe my parents. She would come over on Sundays and have dinner with us. She was at the hospital after Wyatt was born and held him each day. I'm so grateful that she was able to be a part of his short life. Here are some pictures from yesterday and one of Amanda holding Wyatt. I'm so very grateful for my family. They are so good to me. I'm so grateful for the eternal knowledge that I have that we are a forever family. It gives me such great hope for the future. Doesn't make this life that much easier but does give me some hope for the future. I will hold Wyatt again and it will be a glorious day. The hard part is being patient for that day.
Amanda holding Wyatt on the day he was born.Addie, Emily and Hayley...such beautiful girls!
Admiring the beautiful bride.The three little princesses.
Hayley with her cousin Mitch(she just adores him!)
Some of the beautiful flowers at the reception.TyEm


Sheila said...

Oh what beautiful photo's of such lovely precious people, children, babe's........everything !
It seems each day, I astound myself with the amount of tears still left in me !
I'm a barren 52 yr old widow, who just lost my best-friend/hubby 25 months ago. If you would like to read my story, just let me know, I'd love to share with you.
Were it not for the strong love of Jesus Christ, I'd not have made it at all !

Our sorrow is so different, yet, steadfast & sure !
My prayers are for you this moment !
God Bless.

Elyse said...

How I wish I could have been there! Looks like a great day for everyone! I loved the little girl dresses-Kayla was so excited when she saw the pictures of Hayley and Addy. Miss you guys!

Jill said...

Love the photos! Loved the day! Love you guys!

Bridget said...

Beautiful. I'm so happy for the tender mercies Heavenly Father showed you. It's the best when they weren't expected.

jel-gar said...

With so many tender memories and moments from last year when you were at the temple and Wyatt was with you -- I was praying for you that the day would be special in some way. I'm so grateful it was. You're kids are beautiful.

Eileen said...

I LOVE weddings! Thanks for sharing such lovely pics. I'm so thankful for temples and the piece of Heaven they are on earth.

Rachel Doyle said...

Hi- I randomly came across your blog from my friend's blog -- I saw the word "Wedding" and thought I would look - as I love weddings and I had been having a rather emotional evening and thought maybe it would cheer me up to see some happy wedding pictures. As started to read your blog - tears began to flow harder and yet a peace was abound. You see - I too have buried a baby boy - my first child - a tiny little son we named Nathan who stayed for ten minutes. He has been gone for about two and half years and usually I am ok -- but not today - and I don't know why - but my arms and heart have ached something fierce. I just wanted to thank you for all the inspirational words you have on this blog - I too know the atonement, but sometimes it doesn't help my aching heart. Your thoughts and words help me realize I am not the only one whose heart aches terribly. Anyhow - I hope you don't mind if I visit your blog again -- Rachel Doyle

Here is my blog so you know I am not some kind of weirdo.

PS - Thank you for being an answer to an unspoken prayer this evening. We live in Provo, my friend lives in China, and you in St. George - so to find your blog was truly an answer. Randomly enough my husband and I are both from St. George and our sweet Baby Nate is buried in the St. George Cemetery.

Julie said...

Lil ann,
Your kids are just soooooooo cute! I can't get over how beautiful your girls are! And I love the flowers your niece had! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Gerber daisies! Those were absolutely beautiful! What a beautiful bride and beautiful brides maids...and groomsman..:)