Saturday, April 11, 2009


Mosiah 16:7-9: "And if Christ had not risen from the dead, or have broken the bands of death that the grave should have no victory, and that death should have no sting, there could have been no resurrection. But there IS a resurrection, therefore the grave hath no victory, and the sting of death is swallowed up in Christ. He is the light and the life of the world; yea, a light that is endless, that can never be darkened; yea and also a life which is endless, that there can be no more death."

There are so many wonderful scriptures like these that bring such great hope to my soul. Easter has so much more meaning to me now. It has always been a special holiday but now it's more than that's the hope I get that I will have Wyatt again. He will be resurrected and I will get to hold my baby again. I dream of that day all the time. I have a hard time even coming up with words that could fully explain the gratitude in my heart for my Savior. Because of him I have hope. Because of all he went through I have hope of eternal life. He has broken the bands of death. Wyatt will never die again and I will never have to say goodbye to him again and we will have him forever. What greater gift could be given?

I've changed a few things this year as far as Easter goes. We will still do a little Easter egg hunt and color a few eggs today because those are fun things to do but we are focusing even more upon the true meaning of Easter. We are concentrating on Jesus' last week and all that happened on each of those days. We have been reading the scriptures that correspond to each event that happened. We are also learning a new hymn. Some nights it hasn't worked out like I had hoped but at least we are trying. We have a "Love one Another" jar that we are writing nice notes about each other and placing them in the jar. We then are planning on reading them tomorrow morning at Wyatt's grave. We also drew names for secret pals this week. We are suppose to treat our secret pal like Jesus would treat them. The kids wanted to put Wyatt's name in to be drawn and whomever got his name would treat everyone in the family like Jesus would. There has been a sweet spirit in our home this week by just doing these few things. I have received some very tender and sweet notes from my secret pal.

Tomorrow morning we are planning on going to Wyatt's grave and having a picnic breakfast and possibly watch the sun rise. It's our wards fast Sunday but knowing that in advance we fasted a couple of weeks ago so we could do this at Wyatt's grave. We then are going to talk about Easter and how significant it is to us now more than ever. I want my kids to realize how grateful we need to be for our Savior Jesus Christ. I also want my kids to be able to visualize that wonderful day when they will hold Wyatt again. They will get to kiss his cheeks again, tickle him and see him smile again. Someday I want a painting made of that very day. I can see it in my mind. It will take place at the cemetery. I believe Wyatt will be one of the last in our family to be resurrected so those friends and family members that want to be present will be able to watch as we get to see our baby again. My tears will FINALLY be tears of joy as I get to hug him, love him and kiss every ounce of his cute little body. It will almost be like his birth..we will be checking out his sweet little feet and counting his toes. We will check out his belly button, ears and look into his big eyes. He will grab onto my finger as he always did when I fed him. His smile will be radiating to all that will see him. After Derek and I get our turn with Wyatt Tyler, Emily and Hayley will be anxiously waiting to hold their little brother again knowing that they will never have to say goodbye to him ever again. I'm sure there will be many tears of joy shed that day...such a contrast from a year ago at as we laid him to rest. Because of the Savior we have the hope of such a day. How grateful I am to him for giving us the greatest gift anyone could give us...RESURRECTION & ETERNAL LIFE! How grateful I am for this Easter season when we get to reflect on the true meaning of Easter and all the many wonderful things that will come to us because of our Savior.


jel-gar said...

Thank you for painting that beautiful picture of what the resurrection WILL be like. I love how you make every holiday so special for you're family and that Wyatt is still included. You create such beautiful memories of Wyatt and do things that will create forever memories for you're kids. Thank you for you're testimony. - Janelle

Jill said...

You are so good at making things extra special for your family. You're amazing Andrea! Happy Easter! Love you!

Marc and Megan said...

Andrea, your celebrations and traditions are so thoughtful and full of meaning. I admire your ability to make holidays fun, and still inclusive and reminiscent of your angel son. Wyatt is lucky to be a part of your family... and I feel blessed to have you as a friend. Sweet wishes of a beautiful Easter day tomorrow. love ya!

Lisa said...

I knew that if I checked your blog this morning, I would find something that would help me feel the Spirit on Easter morning. Thank you for helping me feel and remember the wonderful truths of Easter, Andrea!

Melissa said...

Andrea- I hope today was everything you had planned. Great traditions for your children to anticipate every year!
Melissa - IHH

Angela said...

Such a wonderful way to describe the resurrection. It sounds heavenly.....I CAN'T WAIT!
Love to you,
(Evanfrom Heaven's mom)

angee said...

I don't know you, but I found your blog through other angel mother's. I had to come out of hiding today to tell you how much this post touched me. I'm sitting here with tears running down my face, touched by the Spirit. That is really how it will be, won't it?! I can feel your joy--it is indescribable! And I can't WAIT for that day for your family!! Thank you for sharing those tender feelings. They really meant a lot to me!