Sunday, June 22, 2008

"They can die no more..."

Wyatt 3 days old

Today at church in Sunday school we read in Alma about the resurrection. Now whenever I hear about the resurrection I get the feelings of hope, joy and extreme excitement. I also have a greater reverence for that most wonderful gift of the Savior. It is real to me now. I have always marveled at this most wonderful gift given to us and it's always been something special but now since Wyatt died it is so much more than that to me. As they discussed these verses in Sunday school with not to much feeling expressed I wanted to shout out how wonderful the resurrection is. It is so tangible to me now. It is the hope I get each day that I will have my Wyatt again. I couldn't shout out in Sunday school because I was trying not to cry.
As we read the verses something stuck out to me. Alma 11:45: ..."that they can die no more; their spirits united with their bodies never to be divided;" This wonderful truth tells me that I will never have to say goodbye to my Wyatt ever again. I will have him forever and ever and I will never have to see him go. I will have him throughout eternity never having to bid farewell. How grateful I am for my Savior, it is because of him that I have hope each day. It is because of him that Wyatt is saved and has made it to the celestial kingdom. It is because of him that Wyatt will be resurrected and I will get to hold him in my arms again and I will never have to let go. It is because of him that we can repent when we have done something wrong and we will be forgiven. It is because of him that we all will be resurrected and live forever. Oh, how grateful I am for my Savior more than I ever have been before!


Neener said...

Thank you for your post today. I had a very hard emotional day yesterday. You lifted me up .... thank you Andrea.

Jill said...

Getting even better and're posts are inspiring! Thank you for your witness of the Savior!

D. Jensen said...


What a powerful witness of the resurection!!! I sending my home teaching family your blog. Hopefully it will help them realize they need to get to the temple. Wyatt and faith was the topic Bracken and I gave for HT message.

I really enjoyed the post today.

Love Doug

JJ said...

Thank you for your amazing testimony of the Savior. You are such a huge strength to our family. I feel privledged that you are my aunt. I miss you and can't wait to see you! Love you lots!

Leanne said...

thanks for coming to visit. I appreciate your strength, and your testimony is so helpful in my life right now. I pictured Wyatt and Brig growing up together, living close and being best buds, but how wonderful to know that someday, you will see him grow, and perhaps Brig and Wyatt were such good friends in Heaven, they didn't need this time on earth. (maybe:)). I appreciate your testimony, it gives me strength, I just want you to know I adore you, there is something about your sweet spirit that draws people near, you are for sure one of Heavenly Father's special daughters.

Stephanie L. Lyman said...

Hello Andrea,
I just caught myself up on your blogs and I am just so touched by you and all the comments people have made- including strangers who have just "stumbled" across these pages. My heart is just breaking for you and I wish there were some way to share this burden with you so that you would not have to carry it for a time. It is just not fair.
I need to call you. Emily stopped by my house last night and our conversation turned to you. We both agonize so much over what you are going through. I really love your quotes from the Prophets and leaders of the church. We have had our own heart-wrenching and faith building miracles in these past several weeks and my thoughts have been dwelling so much on the powers given to Elijah and those promises made through him to those who have been sealed in the Temple. I won't elaborate right now except to say that we have witnessed this power at work in our home and it is wonderful isn't it! The gospel is so wonderful. I am left speachless. There are just no words, the Gospel is that wonderful. How we love you and your testimony, You are a truly extrodinary person -Stephanie Lyman

Stephanie L. Lyman said...

Hello Andrea,
I just caught myself up on your blogs and I am just so touched by you and all the comments people have made- including strangers who have just "stumbled" across these pages. My heart is just breaking for you and I wish there were some way to share this burden with you so that you would not have to carry it for a time. It is just not fair.
I need to call you. Emily stopped by my house last night and our conversation turned to you. We both agonize so much over what you are going through. I really love your quotes from the Prophets and leaders of the church. We have had our own heart-wrenching and faith building miracles in these past several weeks and my thoughts have been dwelling so much on the powers given to Elijah and those promises made through him to those who have been sealed in the Temple. I won't elaborate right now except to say that we have witnessed this power at work in our home and it is wonderful isn't it! The gospel is so wonderful. I am left speachless. There are just no words, the Gospel is that wonderful. How we love you and your testimony, You are a truly extrodinary person -Stephanie Lyman

Stephanie L. Lyman said...

oops, sorry this comment posted twice

Dottie Stay said...

That was so good to hear. It really stregthens my testimony to read what you have to say. You are so inpired, and are a precious person. I want to much to be able to hug you every day when ever you need it. By the way, I say next time you want to shout out in Sunday School you go for it! That place needs a pick me up every now and again. Especially when talking about such an amazing subject!! You know that some of the older folks are starting to doze anyway. Am I right, or am I right?

Linda Pickles said...

What beautiful thoughts you have shared. We are all learning from you and are grateful for your insights. There isn't a day go by that I don't think of you and wonder how you're doing. I received an e-mail from Denine and she says your blog has helped her so much. Thanks for helping her, too!
We love you!
Aunt Linda and Uncle Jeff

Emily Peterson said...

You don't know me, but my sister-in-law directed me to your website. She told me you had some neat quotes about losing a child. I lost my 5 year old little princess exactly one week after Wyatt. She had been battling a rare brain tumor for the previous 10 months. I understand your heartache and have the same comfort as I look forward to that glorious day when I will be reunited with her. Thanks for your entries. They gave me some peace today. If you are interested in reading about Ashley her website is

drans007 said...

Thank you for sharing what I don't get to hear in Sunday School each week. You are such a great writer. You are clear and peaceful, I can hear the spirit speak through you Andrea.