Friday, February 3, 2012


 I know I have written and taken a lot of pictures of flowers...especially of tulips but it truly is something I LOVE and enjoy.  They brighten my day.  My sweetheart gave me some tulips last weekend and I have enjoyed them so much this week.  I have some in my kitchen and some on my nightstand.  It truly amazes me how much happiness these simple flowers can give to me on a daily basis but they do and I'm so grateful for them.  They get me so excited for spring and the up coming months.  If I could afford it I would always have some fresh flowers in my home.   I love having a nice clean kitchen with some fresh flowers by the sink.  Can't get much better than that!  So grateful for the beauties of this earth that we get to enjoy if we take the time to do it.  Thank you sweetheart for bringing such loveliness into our home.  I feel so blessed!  Walmart is a great place to get some cheap flowers...that is where these tulips came from.  I think they are $5 for a bunch of them.  So worth it to me.

 They just make me smile seeing them on my nightstand. Next to book I'm reading "The Happiness Project". (great book by the way)

The simple joys of life.

1 comment:

Robyn said...

Hey Friend! I've missed your blogging. Hope you are doing well. Been thinking of you lots!