This year we went out of town for Wyatt's angel day. This year like most it ends up being during our kids spring break. Spring break is now a tender thing for us because 3 years ago our spring break turned into one we will never forget and one we wished never would have happened. We had to say goodbye to our sweet boy that week instead of enjoying the fun little vacation we had planned.
The last 2 years we have stayed home for spring break but this year we were blessed to have the chance to go to San Diego. My parents have taken all their grand kids except Em and Hay on a trip. Ty got to go to Williamsburg a couple of years ago for his trip. Well, my parents decided that they would give us the money they would have used on a trip for the girls and we could go on a trip as a family. It was officially called "the girls trip". We found a place during spring break that we wanted to try out in San Diego so we decided this would be their trip. It truly was on of the funnest trips we have been on. Having some extra money helped us in being able to do some things we never would have done. The girls got to plan the things we did and we had a very enjoyable and fun time together. I hope it will be something they will never forget. We reminded them often that what we were doing was because of their grandparents and if it wasn't for them we wouldn't be doing it. Thank you Mom and Dad!
So, when we decided to go to San Diego I knew instantly what I wanted to do for Wyatt's angel day. His angel day was on a Sunday this year so I wanted to release butterflies at the San Diego temple. It was perfect! Such an incredibly beautiful temple. One of my favorites! It was neat to release these butterflies at such a meaningful place for our family. At a temple. Because of the temple we have the hope of being together forever. While driving to the temple we listened to the talk D gave at Wyatt's funeral. Something I think only I had listened to since that day. D did such a great job and it was a great reminder of the times we had with Wyatt. There we some tears shed as we listened. Oh, how we miss our Chubbers.
After releasing the butterflies we talked about the spiritual moments we had on Wyatt's last week along with the last moments D and I had with him. Since we didn't know how long Wyatt would struggle after taking out the breathing tube we decided not to have the kids there. Both D and I wished we could change that decision because of the amazing spiritual experience it was but we didn't know. He didn't struggle at all and I believe it was because of the
prayer his older brother gave that morning. We were able to talk to the kids about that moment and let them talk about their feelings from that week. It was good and the spirit was very strong. Hopefully the kids were able to feel the spirit and if anything I hope they know what both D and I believe and how important those things are to us. It was a wonderful time as a family. A very peaceful and spiritual time together.
We then went to the Mormon Battalion and toured that AMAZING newly remodeled visitor center. Awesome place! I'm sure I will do a post just of that. All in all it was a very peaceful and wonderful day spent together as a family reflecting on those things that are most important. But mostly remembering our sweet little boy who we continue to ache for and long for. Wyatt you will never be forgotten. We love you and miss you! Here are some pictures of the butterfly release.
The pictures are beautiful. I am so glad you got to spend a peaceful angel day with your family.
Lots of Love,
Kendalee(Rhiannon & Loughlin's mom)
Beautiful pictures, Andrea. And I agree, this temple looks like a castle!
Guess What? Our adoption is final! But I am waaaaaay behind b/c for the longest time we couldn't write anything about the girls until it was official. There's a few pictures of AnnaLeigh and Sharly up now, take a peek ;).
Ohh..dear...If you love butterfly..you should like to know Jamou...he is a friend of Abou...the most intellectual butterfly on earth!! www.aboujamou.blogspot.com The Adventures of Abou and Jamou...Look and write to me that if you like him :-) Wichan Jaruensook Chiang Mai, Thailand.
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