I've been waiting to post about Wyatt's angel day until we got home...yes, we went away for our spring break this year and it was wonderful but I'm not going to post about that right now. I have something more amazing and wonderful to post about. We had one of the most unbelievable thing happen to us today and I'm struggling at how to express the feelings and gratitude that is in my heart....in our entire families heart. Sometimes thank you just doesn't seem enough. This is one of those times. This is what a couple of friends brought to us today....
Here is the story of the miracle that happened. My amazing friend contacted Molly and Vic from A Good Grief some friends of mine that have started a website to help people with grief and also a foundation to help people get headstones for their kids. They started this foundation in memory of their sweet Lucy that died just a couple of months after Wyatt. You can click here to hear their story and what they do for others and click here to go to their website if you would like to make a donation. They had generously pledged $2,000(double the amount they usually pledge) to go towards a bench for Wyatt. Wow! The generosity of so many people is beyond overwhelming!
Well, my sweet friends decided that they would try and earn $500 to help towards the bench for Wyatt. Which is not an easy task at all! One of Em's wonderful friends came up with the idea of doing a bake sale for Wyatt while we were out of town to see if they could come up with the extra money needed. Also, my cousin contacted some of my family (weren't able to figure out how to contact my husbands family) and asked for donations. Well, instead of $500 dollars they were able to raise(which truly is a miracle) $1,500 to go towards the bench for Wyatt. Instead of A Good Grief donating $2,000 now they were able to donate a $1,000 and can now use the extra money to help another family. Amazing!
Lets just say there have been MANY tears of gratitude shed today. As we opened the envelope full of money and checks that people gave us both Derek and I cried. What a humbling experience. One we will NEVER forget. So many people we love and appreciate that have already done so much for us now have done even more for us..how could we possibly accept anything more? Wow, I just can't even describe the feelings in my heart. So, to ALL of you out there that donated, helped in anyway so that we can finally get the bench we have dreamed of THANK YOU! Those words just don't seem enough but I hope you will accept our heart felt thanks.
You have no idea what a huge weight that has now been lifted off our shoulders. I'm not going to go into any detail but since Wyatt's death like so many other people out there we have struggled financially and have had one thing after another happen to us. Just trying to pay off Wyatt's medical bills has been hard. Life and things continued to happen and money for his bench needed to be used for more pressing matters. I finally gave up hope that his bench would actually be something we could afford in the near future and we would just patiently wait. Both Derek and I decided that if we had to wait 10, 20 or more years we would. We both felt like if we were going to get him a headstone we wanted to wait for the one we wanted. The one that would honor our son and in some small measure show the love we have for him. We wanted a bench that we could use as a family when we visited his grave and now we can do that. We will be forever grateful to EVERYONE that has made this miracle possible. We will think of each and everyone of you as we sit on his bench. Words just can't describe fully how grateful we are to all of you. THANK YOU!!
A book we will cherish the rest of our lives. They had this book at the bake sale for people to write notes to us. They also listed all those that donated to Wyatt's bench. Many of my beehives helped with this amazing day and I will be forever grateful to them!
Our sweet 11 year old wrote this on our Celebration board tonight...oh, thank you to everyone that has made this possible. Definitely something we will celebrate!
Here is the sketches I drew up 2 years ago...now we will be able to make them a reality. I never thought this day would come. Miracles do happen and this is one of the greatest ones we have received. I prayed for a long time that something would happen so we could afford the bench for Wyatt...now my prayers are being answered. Thank you to everyone for making this possible!
Thank you for your generosity and for being an instrument in Heavenly Fathers hands. I never thought in a million years that I would have to draw up what I would want on my sons headstone...not something anyone wants to do but at least now we can have the memorial we have painstakingly thought of.
This is Pam Beistline...formerly Pam Austin. I just saw your post on Facebook tonight and for some reason I had never heard about your little Wyatt...I have spent the last hour on your blog sobbing as I have looked through pictures of your most precious little one - what a doll! I have been deeply touched reading through your entries...I cannot begin to imagine how hard it would be to lose Wyatt. I have one son - my Zac - who is 18 months - and it is no secret that he is my world - until I became a mom, I had no idea who deeply I could love...I also realize just how vulnerable that love makes me, which can be scary at times. What an incredible woman you are and what a beautiful family you have! Thank you for your sweet blog - I am so happy for you being able to finally have a headstone for Wyatt...what a miracle!:) Love you!
Wow. How wonderful. I didn't realize that Wyatt didn't have a headstone. I love that your family and friends helped in a huge way to make this happen. And I'm excited to see what Molly posts about the benefit last week...especially now that I "know" someone who was able to receive that labor of love.
That's really awesome. I remember when we finally purchased our son's headstone the mixture of feelings that occurred - bitter sweet - sweet in that we could finally afford a headstone - bitter because we had to buy a headstone.
So happy for your family!
I can't stop crying!
I can't stop crying either...THANK YOU!!!
What amazing family and friends you have. It does make a difference to make sure that special and sacred spot where our babies lay are done with such love. I am so excited that you will get exactly what your heart has been wanting. AWESOME!
Tears of joy for you guys. I'm so thankful for this huge blessing in your lives. What wonderful family, friends and neighbors you are blessed with. Awesome.
That is SO AWESOME!!! I am so happy for you guys! :') Your plan is so neat...I still can't decide what I want to do. I never thought I'd wait so long, but here it is...2 1/2 years later. I *love* the idea of handprints on it. So, so sweet. I'm stuck on what I want ours to say...its just so hard!
No words, just tears of joy for you! I can't wait to come and see what you do, I'm sure it will be beautiful...everything you do is so beautiful. Thanks for sharing this amazing story. What wonderful beehives, friends and family you have!
This is just amazing! Just truly made my day Andrea!!! I lost your blog a long while ago and reading this is just truly, well, wow!!! My heart is just so happy for you guys and what an amazing tribute to sweet Wyatt!!!
I am so happy for you and your family and little Wyatt. He must be so happy in Heaven that his Mama has a place to sit and talk to him now :) It sounds like you have an absolutely wonderful community. God bless you and yours.
I was so THRILLED when I heard about this. What an amazing organization. SO happy that you can finally get this to honor sweet little Wyatt. I can't wait to see it! WE LOVE YOU GUYS!!!
You are SO loved! And your family. And, most especially, Wyatt!
My heart feels happy.
So amazing for you. I'm so happy for you. A headstone is an amazing thing. It looks wonderful. You will love it. I go to the cemetery and just stare at Mia's headstone still. I love it.
So happy for you all. I'm sad I wasn't able to contribute...I would have loved to have been a part of such an amazing effort. Love you so much and am so grateful for your wonderful friends.
Andrea, I can't stop crying either. What a wonderful gift. I can just feel the love that they all have for your family.
I really had no idea that your medical bills were so high and that you couldn't get the bench. It is amazing how much different those things are in Canada. I am so glad your miracle came to you. What a beautiful blessed gift.
Lots of love;
Molly and her organization are amazing. I'm really sad because I'd wanted to go to the benefit concert she had, but my youngest was really sick... and it's amazing how your friends rallied, too! We haven't bought a headstone for Bridget yet, either. It took us three years to buy one for Dominic, and that was after over a year of ebaying everything I could find in my home that seemed to have any value. So it was a struggle, but we wanted just the right thing. Bridget's will be more because we have to move Dominic's over, and we also need to put a flat stone over at each of their graves (since we buried her at Dominic's feet). So it will be over $3K to do Bridget's. I am so glad so many people came together for you guys. For us, we just want to be able to do it as our final way to "memorialize" our kids. It's just personal, and everyone is so different in grief. I really am sad we missed the concert, but know Molly will do another wonderful event. I hope everyone continues to support such a worthy effort!
What a miracle. I am so thankful that you will finally be able to order a headstone. Molly and Vic are truly amazing. As soon as I read the part of you only needing $1000 from the Good Grief (instead of $2000), and that the extra money will be able to help somebody else, I just broke down... Molly is sending the check to our monument company THIS WEEK to help with Lincoln's headstone (it has been ready for a very long time, but we just never had the funds for it).
I feel SO much gratitude for your wonderful friends and family(!), who helped with Wyatt's headstone, and enabled the Good Grief to help even more families. I definitely think IT IS BECAUSE OF THEIR EFFORT Molly and Vic were able to help us so much sooner.
The bench looks beautiful! I'm so glad it finally happened!
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