Friday, June 4, 2010


I'm in the process of doing a post about our summer schedule but wanted to add a few pictures of the fruits of our garden. I was so excited when I went to check on the garden this morning to see that we had our first crop of peas and beans and 1 red tomato. There is something so fulfilling for me to have a garden and watch it grow and then reap the rewards of yummy vegetables. Hayley was extra excited this morning when she saw the tomato and peas...her very favorite. I love these simply joys in life....the fruits of a garden.
Green Beans

" Juicy" peas(that is what Hayley called them when she had her first one this morning for breakfast. She then proceeded to tell me how much she LOVES them.)

1 comment:

Neener said...

How lovely. We enjoy our garden too. Our little seeds have just popped their wee heads out of the dirt this past week. The kids are so excited at this point to see all their hard work they put into planting the garden that it is finally growing.

Enjoy! We love those peas too.