Monday, September 19, 2011


Can't believe our little girl is now 12 years old. She is such a delight and we feel so grateful that she is in our life. She had a fun day which I will hopefully post about soon. I actually have a whole summer worth of posting to do...sigh. Anyway, I have much to catch up on and not sure when I will do it. Still can't believe she is 12. Where has the time gone?

Wyatt's birthday is approaching too fast and it's been more emotional for me than I was expecting. Miss him sooooo much. The hole in my heart is gaping open right now and the raw emotions are at the surface. I really wish I was planning a 4 year olds birthday party right now instead of trying to figure out what we are going to do without him here. Not easy! I'm sure like in years past that his actual birthday will be a peaceful and good day. It's just these days before that are extra hard.

We were hoping that his bench would be done so we could surprise the kids. Unfortunately, the bench came with the wrong top so they have had to order in a new one, so we get to wait some more. Hopefully, in a couple of weeks we will have it. I get emotional thinking about it and all the people that helped us get it. It will be good to finally have it here. Can't believe he would be 4 years old in 2 days. Oh, how he is missed in our family. We love and miss you buddy!

1 comment:

Robyn said...

Been thinking of you all week. Hope your week is good. I'm sure you will do something amazing to celebrate your sweet little man! Love You!