First one is from Em. Last Sunday for sharing time our amazing primary president did a sharing time about reverence and butterflies. She told a story about how to catch a butterfly. To catch a butterfly you have to be quiet and still. You also have let it come to you. Just like reverence. At dinner that night I was asking the kids about what they had learned. Em said that they had talked about butterflies and how to catch a butterfly. She then said..."I don't have to be quiet or still to catch a butterfly because butterflies just come to me and land on me." She really has had many Wyatt moments where they will come and land on her while she is walking. She says it happens all the time...and she knows it's her little brother saying hi.
The second Wyatt moment that I want to record is from Hay. In her class at school the past few weeks they have been learning about the cycle of butterflies. They ordered the same caterpillars we do each year for Wyatt's angel day and watch as they progress to a butterfly. Hay was excited to tell the teacher about how we do that every year for Wyatt's angel day and that we get to have Wyatt moments with butterflies. This past week they got to release a couple of the butterflies as a class. I asked Hay what the butterflies did..I figured they would just fly away quickly but she said they didn't. Instead they came and landed on her. I asked her if they went to anyone else and she said no...just me. She let everyone know she was having a "Wyatt moment." What a tender mercy. There have been so many butterflies around lately and I love it. So grateful for each and every "Wyatt moment" we get to experience. Wyatt sure likes to let us know he is aware of us and loves us.
As far as Wyatt's bench goes we have gotten it approved with the cemetery. The next step is to order the bench. Which we plan on doing next week. They said it could take up to 2 months to get the bench here and then they have to engraven on it. So, I'm thinking we will have it in June or July sometime.
I'm so grateful for your familiy and your beautiful butterfly moments. Wyatt loves you so much.
Glad to hear the bench is on it's way. Love you!
I love that the butterflies only went to Hayley. So sweet.
I love this. He's such a sweet little boy. Loves his family that's for sure. :) I'm so excited to see that bench!
Hope you don't mind but when I was looking around for my little sister's blog on here I ran in to your blog and stopped and read for a little while! I have to say that Tears came to my eyes reading about your little Wyatt. You see I had a little wyatt also I have to say that was the most amazing name. http://matusichfamily.blogspot.com/2009_04_01_archive.html
I really only put photo's up for my family back in Utah so I don't write that much but maybe you can see a little bit about my little Wyatt if you click on the link! Just wanted to tell you that my heart goes out to you and know that you will see him again one day. Tiffany :)
Hi, my name is Harry Terrill, I am Erika's cousin. She told me about you and your son Wyatt, and suggested that I look at your blog. My wife is pregnant with our fifth child and we just found out last week that our baby has Trisomy 13. More than likely if our son makes it through the birth process he will only live a few minutes or hours. This has been very hard for us to deal with but we feel honored that we were chosen to have this baby come to our family. It was comforting for me to see how you have continued your child's legacy, I don't want my son to be forgotten. You seem like a wonderful family and Wyatt could not be more loved. I want to thank you for your story, it has helped me deal with this challenge. If you want to learn more about our story I made a post on my families blog at terrills.blogspot.com Thanks again, it's comforting to know there are others out there that have had similar experiences.
you have a beautiful family. Please loo at mine!
Such beautiful words. Your family is simply amazing. I am always in awe.
oh, and by the way, you probably noticed I had taken a hiatus from blogging for almost a year...I just had no desire, lately I feel like to want to write again...I think sometimes we just need to do what our heart dictates...
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