Saturday, October 31, 2009
Missing him....
Monday, October 26, 2009
5K, Halloween Party
I'm not much of a long distance runner but since Wyatt died it's been something that has helped me cope in a way. During those early months of grief I would force myself to go on a walk and to get out of the house each day. That slowly lead to running more and more. I kind of enjoyed having some physical pain instead of the constant emotional pain I've felt..if that makes sense. It also doesn't hurt to get as many happy endorphins as I possibly can get.
This past summer since the sun would come up so early in the morning I had a hard time sleeping in so I would get up and go running. I love music and being able to listen to music while running has been a good thing for me. It truly has brought moments of joy, peace and comfort to my soul when I thought I would never feel that again. And then there are those songs that brings on the pain, sorrow and grief, which I feel is a good thing as well.
Most every morning I would start my run by going to Wyatt's grave. There is a hill before you reach the cemetery..not a big one but big enough to make my legs burn and for me to want to walk but I would tell myself that I could do it. That I can run up that hill. I would liken it to this lives journey. It hurts, it's hard but I've got to do it. Each step and each day is that much closer to having Wyatt in my life again. I then tell myself that I'm strong and can do it. That the reward(having Wyatt again) will be worth it. And then I dream of the day when that climb is over and he is in my arms again. Oh, it will be so awesome!
I then end up at Wyatt's grave. I will spend a moment or two grieving and getting some of those emotions out and then I would run and cry and listen to music that touches my heart. Some days I have more emotions to get out and other days not as much. Since the kids started school and it's gotten a little colder I haven't run as much so I was pleasantly surprised when I ran this 5k that I felt good. I didn't feel like I needed to stop and walk at all. I ran the whole way and actually had energy at the end to pick up my speed. It was quit fun and thrilling to go across the finish line. It was fun to have Derek and the girls and Tyler there cheering me on. This might be a new passion for me...we will see. If anything it's been something that I've needed to do since Wyatt died. I have forced myself out the door on many, many occasion when I really didn't want to. There is something that is good about getting a little exercise, breathing the fresh air and enjoying this beautiful earth that helps with my grief. On many of my runs I've had butterflies flying in front of me or by me. I feel like Wyatt has been by my side. I know he is here with me while I go through this life of grief. He is on the other side cheering his mom on. I feel like he is one of my biggest fans.
Halloween Party
Saturday night we went to an amazing Halloween party. Derek and I dressed up at Harry Potter and Ginny Wesley. Thanks Mitch for letting us use your Harry Potter stuff. Here is the picture Tyler took. It was a fun evening with great friends, food and games. My sweet friend that puts this together does an incredible job each year. We are so blessed with great people in our lives.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Hole in the Rock
A week ago we went with Derek's family to Hole in the Rock. What an adventure. We were in the car for 11 hours and a lot of those hours were spent on the bumpiest, rockiest dirt road I've ever been on. There were places where 4 wheel drive was a must. Let's just say I will most likely never do that again. I think if I want to see it again I will go by boat...much easier. Anyway, it was quit amazing to see this place and to think that the pioneers took their wagons down this "hole in the rock". It was unbelievable to think that they actually did that. The kids had a great time with their cousins and I think it will be something they will never forget. It was fun to spend time with Derek's side of the family. Here are some of the many pictures I took. It was fun to have some nieces and nephews that actually asked to have their pictures taken. I don't have that luxury very much in my household...probably because I'm always wanting to take pictures. So grateful as well for the beauties of this earth. Lake Powell is gorgeous! Along with the beautiful fall leaves and red rock. Love it! And as always I missed Wyatt but I did see a small white butterfly on our way.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Even if we are apart...I will always be with you.
"If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart... I'll always be with you.” Christopher Robin to Pooh
Just found these words to a Disney song...not sure yet what song it is but I loved the words...they went right along with this quote.
I will always be with you
Makes no difference where your road takes you to
Even if we're apart
Now we're joined at the heart
Though our moments may be gone
You and I will still live on
I will always be with you
I'll be by your side whatever you do
All the memories may fade
But the ones that we made
Are eternal as a star
Now I'm part of who you are
And I'll be there with you in the sound of your laughter
I'll be in the tears you cry'
Cause the way you and I have touched one and other
Doesn't end with goodbye
I will always be with you
Like a guardian-angel constant and true
When you're lost in the night
And you can't see the light
My love will see you through
I will always be there
You'll have me there
I will always be with you
I will always be with you
Like a guardian-angel constant and true
When you're lost in the night
And you can't see the light
My love will see you through
I will always be there
You'll have me there
I will always be with you.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Extended Family Pictures
This is the professional one we had taken that night. I wish I could get it bigger. They put a picture of Wyatt in the trees. Looking over our family. Which I feel he is. He is our little angel.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Let's go fly a kite...
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Butterfly plates...a beautiful gift!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Wyatt's birthday
We went to his grave early that morning and had a breakfast picnic. We always start out with a prayer that instantly brings the spirit. Derek always does such a beautiful job of that. I then had the kids open their gift. The one I found on e-bay...the one for me more than anyone. It was Wyatt's little security blanket that I had bought for my mom to give Wyatt for Christmas the year Wyatt was with us. It was the item I placed next to his face before they closed his casket. I have looked every time since his death at Walmart hoping that they might get that little blanket in but I never saw one. I've wanted one for myself to remember him by. Well, after searching online I found it on e-bay and started to cry the instant I saw it. The last time I saw that blanket was when I placed it next to Wyatt. He loved to play with all the different textures on the blanket. I was going to have it be his little security item that would comfort him as he grew up. Now it comforts me. The sweet lady I bought the blanket from priority mailed it so that it would get there in time. Again, there are good people in this world.
After opening the present we light two candles on the breakfast muffins and sang happy birthday to Wyatt. That was a hard thing for me. I'm not sure if that will ever get easy. I then opened up the gift my niece gave me...the one I've already written about. Tears were flowing after that. Then a small yellow butterfly flew by us. This time Derek was the one that pointed it out. Usually it's me. What a tender mercy to have a butterfly that early in the morning flying by us.
After that the kids went to school and Derek and I got to go to the temple and do some sealing. Tyler had found some family names to do from the new ancestral website. That made it that much more special for us. I love the temple and the peace that I feel there. It puts everything into perspective.
After the temple and when the kids got home we went to all a dollar and let the kids pick out something to put on Wyatt's grave. We then blew up his balloons and went to his grave and wrote on them. The balloon release didn't turn out all that well. We ended up having only 2 balloons to release instead of the 6 we blew up. Lets just say some of them popped and one escaped too soon. It was very emotional for Tyler. He had a hard day more than the other kids. He prayed for Wyatt...he wanted a little brother to spend time with and teach stuff to and now that little brother is gone. It's such a hard thing to have to deal with. It was a very emotional and hard day for me as well. More than I had thought it would be. After the balloons, we came home, had dinner and had our Family Home Evening lesson. Derek did a great job and talked about the gifts Wyatt has given us...namely the testimony we have of the plan of salvation. We then watched Wyatt's video that my brother made. Tears were's hard to see those memories right now. Maybe someday they will be more sweet instead of bitter. I love watching his video but in the same sense it's really hard knowing that memories with Wyatt are gone now. Does that even make sense? Anyway, lets just say it's hard sometimes. After the video we had a Wii tournament. Then we had cupcakes and sang happy birthday again. After that we did our "No empty Chairs" box and wrote down new things we were going to improve on and give to Wyatt. All in all it was a peaceful day but an emotional one as well. I don't know how these birthdays and milestones will get any easier but it sure helped to have so many wonderful people showing support to us. Thank you everyone. Words can't say how much that means to us. Here are the pictures I took that day.